First Website Attempt

About Me

My name is Josh Greer. I am 40 years old and I am currently in my first term of college working towards earning my Bachelors in Science for Network Engineering and Security.


I’m creating this website in an attempt to start learning HTML for Website Design. My goal in this is to create and have my own website to showcase my progress in learning and developing my skills in all things technology.

Progress Notes 12/31/2024


So far I’ve completed two of my courses. These were both introductory courses and consisted of Intro To IT and IT foundations, the second of which culminated in me passing Core 1 of my CompTIA A+ Certification. Currently I am in the IT Foundations class and the end of this course will have me pass Core 2 of the CompTIA A+ Certificate, and subsequently earn my CompTIA A+ Certification.

Other Learning and Projects

I have many current side projects in addition to my schooling. I believe that all of these will help me in the long run not only have a much wider knowledge base in technology but also open me up to many more opportunities and make sure that no matter what I am doing, I always have options.

The first of these projects is, of course, this website. While absolutely basic and boring currently, I am looking forward to seeing how it improves over time and changes to become a much better and cleaner website, that, as stated earlier, will showcase what I have learned and how far I have come.

Another project of mine is to get my own home lab going. Eventually, as anyone in IT, I would like to have my own home sever with many many pieces of hardware that I don’t need but are SO COOL. I’m already on my way there, spending money I probably shouldn’t, to buy things I don’t fully understand (yet), but will help me grow in my knowledge base.

I have a pfsense firewall router currently that is running on a Protectli Vault v1410. I love it so far and there are so many options and configurations that I have no idea how to use. The good thing is pfsense “out of the box” works perfectly to keep unwanted traffic off my private network, and anything internally in my network can be fixed if I break it (and I should mention I already have many times lol)

I also have a Unifi 8 Lite Managed switch that I am trying to get VLANs to work on. I’m having a little issues because I also have a TP-link Archer AX73 that I’m feeding the network into to try to have give network access to my IoT devices. This has caused me many headaches as every time I activate the VLAN tagging in the Unifi switch I seem to lose internet and the only way I can get it back up is to full default reset my unifi managed switch. I’ll figure it all out eventually.